Make your ads stand out from the rest by getting your profile verified!
We can verify that you are real so that users know your ads are real too!
What is a Verified Profile?
Verified Profiles are accounts that we have verified to be real. These accounts have met our needs for validation and we believe that these ads are genuine and from the entities advertised. While we do not endorse or guarantee anything it is very likely that these users are the individuals or businesses that they claim to be.
Verified Profiles have their ads shown with a green border and a verified badge that makes them stand out from the rest of the ads. Also anywhere a verified profile has content a verified icon will also be shown. When your profile has been verified you will get 50 points.

How do I get a Verified Profile?
To get verified profile status you need to do the following:
Log in to your account and click this Get Verified button or the button on your "advert profile" page or your "edit advert profile" page . Select the verification method you want to use on the form (photos or video) and press the "Get Verified" button. Your verification application will be sent to us immediately and we will review it as soon as possible..
1) For a business, send us a copy of your valid business license using the same email that you use for your account. We cannot verify that you are a real business without a valid business license. We might also need to phone you during your business hours at your business phone number to verify your account.
2) For a person, Option 1) Send us a short video (or a link to a video) that clearly shows you to be the same person that's in your ad while holding something with "Courtesan Canada" or "" written on it. The video must clearly show that you are the same person as the photos in your ad.
Option 2) Send us 4 pictures of you holding something with "Courtesan Canada" or "" written on it. The pictures must clearly show that you are the same person as in your ads. The email must be from the same email you use for your account. you do not need to show your face but we must be able to see that it is really you.
If you like you can also email the information required above to [email protected]
We DO NOT post, or share verification information, pictures or videos.
After your verification is completed we delete our copies of your verified photos or video.